Back to School Tips and How to Limit Screen Time

We live in an age where technology consumes our lives in the form of screen time. If you’re like many people, you probably check your smartphone every night before bed, throwing off your sleep schedule. You may not know it, but your smartphone and microwave can emit a level of EMF or electric and magnetic fields which are known as “invisible areas of energy, or radiation.”

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), they recommend no screen time for children until they reach 18 to 24 months. Additionally, the AAP states that kids aged 2-5 should only get an hour or less of daily screen time.

As kids go back to school during the pandemic, many parents might be concerned about EMF exposure and screen time. We’ve compiled some back-to-school tips and ways to help address screen time—both for yourself or your child.


So what is EMF and the healthy screen time limit, and how does this all have a connection to spinal health? Well, when we hunch over and check our smartphones or tablets, we might be doing more harm to our posture. With an introduction to remote learning, a growing number of children are experiencing everything from back to neck pain and other spinal problems simply by spending too much screen time. While screen time is unavoidable, you can monitor the time your child spends on the screen and make an effort to schedule breaks so they can relieve the tension off their spine and reduce eye strain. According to the EWG, there are rising concerns related to children using cell phones because they are likely to be exposed to radiation.

Helpful Tips on Limiting Screen Time for Your Child 

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8-18-year-olds spend an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes using entertainment media. Usually, mobile media such as iPods and cell phones drive this usage, according to the KFF. So, how can you ensure that your child reduces their chances of ending up with back, neck, and chronic shoulder pain at such an early age? We’d recommend bringing in your child to see a chiropractor for worsening symptoms. Along with seeing a chiropractor, a child can also benefit from parents taking an active role in monitoring and limiting their screen usage.

We’ve compiled a few helpful tips below:

Set Break Reminders

It’s important to set break reminders for yourself and the kids when it comes to screen time. According to Pew Research, 71% of parents who have children under the age of 12 say they are concerned about too much screen time for their kids. For parents of young children, you can encourage your kids to step outside and have a stretch break or engage them with blocks or tactile games that allow them to divert their attention from the screen. Setting healthy break reminders is important to reducing or monitoring screen time for kids.

Create a Bin for Putting Away Electronics During Quiet Time

Schedule a time where your family comes together for “quiet time.” This could mean a series of activities such as reading or playing a family game together. Before participating in these activities, you can encourage your little one to put their devices, phones, and other tech gadgets away in a bin.

Set Parental Control or Screen Time Limit Settings 

Are you worried about the increased screen time your child is spending as they go back to school? You can set controls and limit screen time by taking advantage of Parental Control settings. For instance, Microsoft lets you set screen time limits on your child’s Xbox and Windows devices. You have the option of choosing how much time is allotted for their screen time session, or whether they have exceeded their limit for the day using the Family Safety App and other smart and safety features to keep your children safe.

Opt Outside and Get Fresh Air 

Some fresh air for yourself and the kids always does good! This means putting everyone’s smartphones down and going for a brisk walk in the park with the kids or simply playing outside in the backyard as a family. Even going for a walk barefoot in the comfort of your own backyard can do wonders for helping with grounding activities and improving mood. This is great for the kids because they can interact with nature and give their eyes a break from constantly staring at the screen.

We hope these tips have been helpful as your children return back-to-school! Happy learning!